We appreciate your support whether it is a one-off donation or a monthly one and we guarantee that your
donation will be used to safe a child' s life from congenital heart diseases
There are currently between 8 and 24 million children in the world who were born with congenital
malformations, half of whom will die for lack of care before reaching their second birthday. Among the
survivors, 5 million, mostly in poor countries, are in desperate need of open-heart surgery. Notably in
addition it has been estimated that in Low-and Middle Income countries approximately 90% of children
with heart disease do not have access to cardiovascular centres. For how long will they have to wait? This
issue calls for immediate action.
Bank name: Credit Swiss Account
Name: Kalangos Foundation Geneva
IBAN: CH68 0483 5118 3990 8200 1
Account Number: 0251-1183990-82-1
Snaps No: 4835
Bank Address: Place Bel-Air 2, CH-1211 Geneva 70
Branch Name: Geneva, Switzerland
If you want to donate through PayPal or with credit card please press Donation button below:
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